Fertilizer precision seeder, capacity 4000 l

Accurate applications with quality and efficiency

Robust and simple design, low maintenance

Fixed rate or variable dosage application
Hopper capacity: 1500. 2000 4000 L
Work width: 20 to 36 m
Weight: 1550 Kg
- Product remover device.
- 4 or 6 pallet bidisco distribution system.
- Gimbal drive or tractor hydraulic.
- Fertilizer cones of fertilizer.
- Antiglomerated grid.
- Tubular construction.
- 8x15 wheels for 9.5 L15 wheels.
- 1.6 m adjustable trail (optional up to 2.10 m).
- Steel or stainless steel hopper optional.
- Total or in-band application.
With antenna